Disorder of salivary secretion in inbred polydipsic mouse

To find mechanisms of an extreme polydipsia in an inbred strain of mice, STR/N, this study was undertaken using Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice as a control. During food deprivation, daily water intake of both strains decreased. The decrement in the STR/N mice was larger than that in the ICR mice. During dehydration, daily food intake of the STR/N mice was smaller than that of the ICR mice. These data indicate that prandial drinking was more severely affected for the STR/N mice. Under anesthesia, the stimulated salivary secretion by pilocarpine of the STR/N mice was significantly smaller than that of the ICR mice. The submandibular gland of the STR/N mice was lighter and harder than that of the ICR mice. After desalivation from the major three salivary glands, the ICR mice drank as much as the STR/N mice. Young STR/N mice with undeveloped polydipsia did not show different salivary secretion stimulated by pilocarpine from the young ICR mice. These findings indicate a dysfunction with age in the salivary glands of the STR/N mice, and they suggest that the decreased saliva induces thirst and triggers extraordinary drinking in the polydipsic mice.
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