Local Residential Quality from an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Combining Individual Perception and Micrometeorological Factors

Local residential quality (LRQ) is one particular expression of quality of life. The quality of life concept reflects the extent to which important needs and values of individuals are satisfied under certain conditions (Steg and Gifford 2005). With our contribution, we specify quality of life as one of the core concepts of urban transformations (see Kabisch et al. in this volume, Introduction). We focus our attention on the local level by applying an interdisciplinary methodological approach for assessing LRQ. This innovative approach enriches the scientific debate about residential satisfaction (e.g., Dekker et al. 2011) and place attachment (e.g., Scannell and Gifford 2010) and pays particular attention to the interrelation between subjective perception and sensor-based measurements of residential characteristics as well as to simulations of the local environment.
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