Промышленный опыт дегазации серы на установках Клауса

The article is devoted to investigation of liquid Sulphur degasing at operating Sulphur production units of the Gasprom Gas Processing Plants. Urgency of such a work is determined by the necessity to provide stable work of processing equipment of the units. At Russian gas processing plants gaseous ammonia is used as a catalyst for hydrogen hydrosulfides decomposition in the course of liquid Sulphur degasing. It is accepted that ammonia influences negatively the operation of the processing equipment due to the formation of ammonia-salts-form solids in liquid Sulphur. As a result the performance and life-time of transfer pumps reduce, but idle time of plants increases due to the necessity to clean and changeover the plants. Disadvantages and problems of operating made to look for possible ammonialess ways to degas Sulphur, which would be compatible with the legacy technological scheme of Sulphur generating according to the Claus method used at domestic gas processing plants. For the first time the pilot testing of the liquid Sulphur degasing with reduction or total termination of ammonia supply at the working plants for Sulphur production was conducted. A principal opportunity to conduct Sulphur degasing at the legal plants in conditions of ammonia consumption reduction or absence without changing of the used technology is shown.
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