Extended Spectral Regression for efficient scene recognition

Abstract This paper proposes a novel method based on Spectral Regression (SR) for efficient scene recognition. First, a new SR approach, called Extended Spectral Regression (ESR), is proposed to perform manifold learning on a huge number of data samples. Then, an efficient Bag-of-Words (BOW) based method is developed which employs ESR to encapsulate local visual features with their semantic, spatial, scale, and orientation information for scene recognition. In many applications, such as image classification and multimedia analysis, there are a huge number of low-level feature samples in a training set. It prohibits direct application of SR to perform manifold learning on such dataset. In ESR, we first group the samples into tiny clusters, and then devise an approach to reduce the size of the similarity matrix for graph learning. In this way, the subspace learning on graph Laplacian for a vast dataset is computationally feasible on a personal computer. In the ESR-based scene recognition, we first propose an enhanced low-level feature representation which combines the scale, orientation, spatial position, and local appearance of a local feature. Then, ESR is applied to embed enhanced low-level image features. The ESR-based feature embedding not only generates a low dimension feature representation but also integrates various aspects of low-level features into the compact representation. The bag-of-words is then generated from the embedded features for image classification. The comparative experiments on open benchmark datasets for scene recognition demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms baseline approaches. It is suitable for real-time applications on mobile platforms, e.g. tablets and smart phones.
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