Patient to Nurse Assault: Educating Nursing Students on Prevalence and Prevention in Healthcare Settings

By Grace Wherley, Nursing; Olivia Williams, Nursing; Jake Barnes, Nursing; Julia Earnest, University of Cincinnati; Samantha Branham, University of Cincinnati; Michael Dole, University of Cincinnati; Josie White, University of Cincinnati Advisor: Carolyn Smith Abstract: Despite recommendations from the American Associations of Colleges of Nursing, only 25% of baccalaureate programs in the United States have developed violence-focused student competencies (Woodtli & Breslin, 2002). The College of Nursing at the University of Cincinnati also lacks a defined education program on the topic of patient to nurse assault. This project aimed to bridge this education gap by providing information to sophomore students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program as they enter their first clinical rotation. This education session focused specifically on the prevalence of violent behavior against nurses, warning signs of escalating behavior, techniques to de-escalate a situation and remain safe, and the importance of reporting episodes of assault or violence. The team created a PowerPoint to present to one group of sophomore students in their Advanced Fundamentals course at the College of Nursing. The goal was to address the issue of assault and inform their future practice. After the presentation, students will be given time to ask questions or offer feedback. Each student will also receive a handout summarizing the major points of the presentation. Pre- and post-educational tests will be used to assess students' knowledge before and after the presentation, and to accrue data for potential future research initiatives in this area. The results of these tests will be presented at the Scholarly Showcase.
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