Driver Behavior Analysis via Two-Stream Deep Convolutional Neural Network

According to the World Health Organization global status report on road safety, traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death in the world, and nearly one-fifth of the traffic accidents were cause by driver distractions. Inspired by the famous two-stream convolutional neural network (CNN) model, we propose a driver behavior analysis system using one spatial stream ConvNet to extract the spatial features and one temporal stream ConvNet to capture the driver’s motion information. Instead of using three-dimensional (3D) ConvNet, which would suffer from large parameters and the lack of a pre-trained model, two-dimensional (2D) ConvNet is used to construct the spatial and temporal ConvNet streams, and they were pre-trained by the large-scale ImageNet. In addition, in order to integrate different modalities, the feature-level fusion methodology was applied, and a fusion network was designed to integrate the spatial and temporal features for further classification. Moreover, a self-compiled dataset of 10 actions in the vehicle was established. According to the experimental results, the proposed system can increase the accuracy rate by nearly 30% compared to the two-stream CNN model with a score-level fusion.
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