Spiritual care model for terminal cancer patients

: Providing spiritual care to patients with advanced cancer may improve the quality of life of these patients and help them experience a good death. Cancer patients are eager for additional spiritual care and for a sense of peace at the end of their life. However, spirituality is an abstract concept. The literature on spiritual care focuses primarily on elaborations of spirituality theory. Thus, first-line medical care professionals lack clear guidelines for managing the spiritual needs of terminal cancer patients. The purposes of this article were to: 1) introduce a spiritual care model based on the concept of repair and recovery of relationships that addresses the relationship between the self and God, others, id, and objects and 2) set out a four-step strategy for this model that consists of understanding, empathizing, guiding, and growing. This article provides operational guidelines for the spiritual care of terminal cancer patients. : 靈性照護可提升癌症末期病人的生活品質,達到善終。當生命逐漸消逝,病人迫切需要靈性的照護與平安,然而由於靈性是個抽象的名詞,許多靈性照護的相關文獻,也多偏重於理論的闡述,導致臨床上第一線照顧末期病人的醫護人員,在面對病人的靈性需求時,往往不知如何進行。本文目的為介紹靈性照護的關係重建與修復模式,包含個體與天、人、我、物等關係重建與修復,並訂立了解、同理、指引及成長等四階段操作步驟。希望本文可以提供靈性照護的具體介入模式。
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