ThermoMap - An Open-Source Web Mapping Application for Illustrating the very Shallow Geothermal Potential in Europe and selected Case Study Areas

The ThermoMap project ( is an EC co-funded project (FP7-ICT Policy Support Programme) and focuses on mapping very shallow geothermal energy potentials (vSGP) in Europe. Geothermal energy, as defined in the directive on renewable energy sources from 2009, is energy in the form of heat beneath the Earth's surface. Horizontal and vertical heat exchangers and other very shallow heat exchange systems including ground source heat pumps (GSHP) are effective devices to exploit the energy of the shallow underground. The key objective of the project is to provide an appropriate visualisation of the estimated very shallow geothermal energy potential by using a specially developed open-source web mapping (WebGIS) application running in a web browser on the Internet. ThermoMap collects, harmonises, combines, analyses and validates available pedological, climatological, topographical, geological, groundwater and administrative (meta-)data to estimate the shallow geothermal energy potential at depths up to ten metres below surface. A multitude of further background information on a medium scale (European Outline Map) to regional and local scale (14 Test Areas) across Europe has been derived. The results show variations of temperature and heat flow at depths up to ten metres. These variations are controlled by internal soil properties like texture, moisture, pore size distribution (characteristic air and water balance) and bulk density as well as climatic conditions (temperature, precipitation) and hydro-/geological parameters (groundwater level, saturation conditions) . Using the approach and formulas according to Kersten (1949) and Dehner (2007) geothermal energy potentials have been calculated with a resulting spatial dataset of heat conductivity values in W/(m*K) and volumetric heat capacity in MJ/(m3*K). The GIS pre-processing takes into account parameters such as legal constraints, slope and unsuitable soil types as well as the availability of the softrock zone required for the efficient installation and operation of different horizontal and vertical heat collector systems. One main output of the project work is a WebGIS-based open-source mapping application named ThermoMap MapViewer ( The contained visualised geodata consists of the technically and semantically harmonised, processed and analysed datasets from each case study area. No spatial analysis is performed by the web mapping application, it acts as a central portal visualising pre-processed GIS results collected from distributed databases via Web Map Services from each project country partner. For end-users of the developed estimation system, four possible target groups have been identified: research, industry, public and public agencies. The different target groups are invited to use the WebGIS interface according to their different needs. In tailoring the demands and needs of the end-users, graduated information levels within the MapViewer application were developed. These are represented by different 'Info Tools' allowing for differing levels of focus, content, terminology, data volume and information scope. For the general end-user a special query tool was created that displays interpreted information which can also be downloaded as PDF-file or printed as a 'Location Information Sheet' enriched with map details, diagrams and tables. To ensure a continual validation and improving of the ThermoMap R&D outcomes, a testing phase in the form of user seminars has been performed and evaluated. Additionally, modelling results have been cross-validated with field measurements and laboratory analyses of key characteristics such as soil texture, bulk density, and heat conductivity. The appropriate evaluation of both activities will create not only valuable feedback for an enhancement of the user-friendliness of the WebGIS service, but also provides the consortium with comparable measured data to be able to validate the developed process concept as well as to improve the accuracy of the ThermoMap estimation system for the very shallow geothermal potential (vSGP) across Europe.
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