Caractérisation agromorphologique d’une nouvelle génération d’hybrides de cocotiers grands (cocos nucifera l.) En côte d’ivoire

Pour repondre aux preoccupations des producteurs desireux de grosses noix, des hybrides ameliores de cocotier grands ont ete crees. Le present travail analyse quelques parametres agromorphologiques de ces hybrides de cocotiers. Trois hybrides de cocotier Grands x Grands sont compares a un temoin PB121 ameliore (PB121+) en examinant les parametres de production et les composantes de la noix a travers l’analyse de variance completee par le test de Newman et Keuls. Les resultats montrent que les hybrides Grands x Grands ameliores produisent des noix plus grosses (2,96 ± 0,56 dm3 a 3,29 ± 0,83 dm3) et plus lourdes (1084,3 ± 120,12 g a 1147 ± 27,52 g) que le croisement temoin PB121 ameliore (2,48 ±0,53 dm3 et 999,81 ± 85,54 g). Les grosses noix des hybrides Grands x Grands ameliores sont egalement plus riches en albumen (396,25 ± 37,08 g a 430,72 ± 39 g) que celles produites par le PB121 ameliore (353,31 ± 27,46 g). Parmi les hybrides de cocotiers Grands ameliores, c’est le Grand des iles Rennell croise avec le Grand Ouest Africain (GRL+ x GOA+) qui presente le rendement en nombre de noix le plus eleve (127 ± 33 noix arbre-1an-1) qui est statistiquement egal a celui du PB121+. Les autres croisements de cocotiers Grands fournissent un rendement en nombre de noix (91 ± 35 a 95 ± 34 noix arbre -1 an-1) inferieur au temoin PB121+ (136 ± 41 noix arbre-1an-1). L’hybride GRL+ x GOA+ est donc a conseiller aux operateurs qui preferent les grosses noix riches en coprah et en huile a partir de l’albumen. Mots-cles : Cocos nucifera L., grosses noix, hybride Grand, production. In order to provide big coconut seed required by some farmers, tall improved hybrids were developed. This work analyzes some agromorphological parameters of these coconut hybrids. Three tall x tall coconut hybrids were compared to the controlled material PB121+ using yield parameters and nut components through analysis of variance completed by Newman and Keuls test. The results showed that the tall x tall improved hybrids yield bigger (from 2.96 ± 0.56 dm3 to 3.29 ± 0.83 dm3) and heavier nuts (from 1084.3 ± 120.12 g to 1147 ± 27.52 g) than those from PB121+ (2.48 ±0.53 dm3 and 999.81 ± 85.54 g). The big nuts of the tall x tall improved hybrids contain more kernels (from 396.25 ± 37.08 g to 430.72 ± 39 g) than those from PB121+ (353.31 ± 27.46 g). Within the tall x tall hybrids, Rennell Island Tall crossed with West African Tall (GRL+ x GOA+) is the bigger yielder of nuts (127 ± 33 nuts tree-1 year-1), with the same statistical level with the PB121+. The other tall hybrids (from 91 ± 35 to 95 ± 34 nuts tree -1 year-1) yield less nuts than the controlled material PB121+ (136 ± 41 nuts tree-1year-1). So the GRL+ x GOA+ is the tall hybrid which has to be advised to farmers and actors who prefer big coconut with high content copra and oil from kernel.
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