Cyto-histological aspects of haploid androgenesis when obtaining haploids/doubled haploids in rice (Oryza Sativa l.) anther culture in vitro

The aim of the study was to study the development of rice microspores in anther culture in vitro , study the structure of androclinic callus to identify cyto-embryological features of the formation of morphogenic structures in anther culture, obtain doubled rice haploids (Oryza sativa L .) and accelerate the development of valuable breeding material with desired properties. Within the framework of this study, the results of a cyto-histological study of rice haploid androgenesis in vitro were obtained, which indicate that it is induced under the influence of phytohormones from rice anther microspores at the mononuclear or early binuclear stage of development. The abnormal development of microspores on nutrient media with phytohormone 2,4-D was traced, in which nuclei, having lost their characteristic functions, acquired the ability to unlimited division and growth with the formation of microcallus. The morphological structure of calli was assessed. The main morphotypes of callus tissues and the pathways of morphogenesis, leading to the formation of androgenic structures, up to full-fledged regenerant plants, were identified. Homozygous androgenic lines based on F1 and BC1 - rice generations obtained in the course of hybridization and backcrossing between Chinese samples carrying blast resistance genes and Russian accessiond were rapidly developed.
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