Skin Sensitization Tests: The LLNA and the RhE IL-18 Potency Assay.

Contact allergy is of considerable importance to the toxicologist, and regulatory authorities worldwide require testing for skin sensitization potential and appropriate hazard labeling to enable management of the risk to human health. Although traditionally the identification of skin-sensitizing chemicals has been carried out using animal models, in Europe legislative changes have promoted, and now require, the use of non-animal methods (i.e., Cosmetic Directive, REACH). Several in vitro alternatives for hazard identification have now been validated, but do not provide information on the potency of a skin sensitizer. Here, we describe an animal model, the local lymph node assay (LLNA), and an in vitro model, the RhE IL-18 potency assay, in the context of the identification and potency classification of skin sensitizers. These two assays have been chosen among the different available tests as representative of an alternative in vivo model (the LLNA) and a promising in vitro method with the potential of both hazard identification and potency classification.
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