The solution to an unresolved problem: Newly synthesised nanocollagen for the preservation of leather

Abstract A widespread problem in libraries is related to the preservation of book covers in leather that are often torn, powdery and abraded. The same problem is encountered in the conservation of leather goods. Until now a satisfactory solution to contrast the leather deterioration had not been found and the applied conservation methods offered only temporary solutions, without guaranteeing a real and durable effectiveness. At the Istituto centrale restauro e conservazione patrimonio archivistico e librario (Icrcpal) it was decided to research more durable results and to apply nanocollagen solutions to the leather. A new synthesis of nanocollagen was performed in collaboration with Universita Tor Vergata, and Fondazione INUIT and the newly synthesised nanocollagen was characterised by different spectroscopic and imaging techniques, then applied to laboratory samples and, at the end of the research, it was used in the restoration of the leather cover of a 18th book. All the measurements performed on the tested leathers did not show any colour change after nanocollagen application, an increase of all mechanical characteristics and, of paramount importance, an increase in the shrinkage temperature of the leather with a partial reconstitution of its lost elasticity and flexibility.
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