Gambaran Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Suami Dengan Istri Penderita Kanker Mammae Di Rs Dr. Moewardi

Background: Breast cancer or Carcinoma Mammae is a malignant tumor in one or both breasts that is marked by a mass lump that is often found to be irregular in shape and easy to move (Yustiana et al., 2017). Mass lumps form when cells in the breast lose control and normal mechanisms, resulting in rapid and uncontrolled growth and development and are life threatening to patients (Nina, 2017). Cancer incidence in Indonesia ranks 8th in Southeast Asia and 23rd in Asia. The provinces of Central Java and East Java are the provinces that have the highest number of cancer sufferers, namely around 68,638 and 61,230 people. Province D.I. Yogyakarta has the highest prevalence for cancer, which is 4.1% (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia 2019). Anxiety reactions and other reactions that arise not only affect the psychological in patients suffering from the disease but can also affect the response of sufferers' life partners. Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional reaction to real or imaginary danger accompanied by changes in the autonomic nervous system and subjective experiences as "pressure", "fear", and "anxiety" (Pratiwi, Widianti, & Solehati, 2017). Objective: To find out the level of anxiety in a husband and wife with a breast cancer patient at Dr. Moewardi Regional Hospital. ResearchMethods: This research is a simple descriptive research method with a sample of 45 responden’s with data collection using purposive sampling technique. Data collection using the GAD-7 questionnaire consisting of 7 question items using univariate analysis. Results: From this study the most results were obtained, 25 respondents experiencing moderate anxiety (55.6%). Conclusion: The most age categories are 41-50 years old, elementary school education, some of them work as entrepreneurs, most respondents do not have a history of illness, with a long duration of caring for his wife at most 1-12 months, number of children 2 , and the pain phase of the respondent's partner entered at stage 3, the results of the research analysis showed that most respondents experienced moderate anxiety.
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