Geleneksel Moğol Tıbbı Ve Türk Tıbbıyla Olan Bağlantıları Moğol Tıbbı Ve Türk Tıbb- Traditional Mongolian Medicine and Its Relations with Turkish Medicine

Traditional Mongolian medicine is one of the distinguished medicine schools of Central Asia with its long history. Although the word of Mongol was first seen from the beginning of 13. century, the roots of traditional Mongolian medicine dated back before this time. The main traditions that had an impact on Mongolian medicine were Turkish, Chinese, Tibet, Islam and Greco-Roman medicines. Since Mongol and Turkish people live together for a long period of time, a close association existed always between these two medical traditions. Oz Uzun bir gecmise sahip olan geleneksel Mogol tibbi, Orta Asya‘nin seckin tip ekolleri arasinda yer almaktadir. Mogol sozcugu ilk kez XIII. yuzyil baslangicinda ortaya cikmis olmakla birlikte, geleneksel Mogol tibbinin kokenleri bu zamandan daha onceye uzanmaktadir. Mogol tibbi uzerinde etkisi olan ana gelenekler Turk tibbi, Cin tibbi, Tibet tibbi, Islam tibbi ve Greko-Romen tibbidir. Mogol ve Turk halklari uzun bir sure boyunca birlikte yasadiklari icin, bu iki tip gelenegi arasinda her zaman yakin bir iliski var olmustur.
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