Сличения стандартных образцов: планирование эксперимента и обработка результатов измерений

The present article describes general principles of experimental research and processing of measurement results within the framework of one of the methods of evaluating the interchangeability of reference materials - paired comparisons of reference materials. The purpose of reference material comparison is: a) to compare the degree of equivalence of RMs to be compared, to demonstrate the capability of obtaining comparable measurement results in testing laboratories of countries, which use these RMs; b) to evaluate correlation of measurement results, obtained by means of RMs, submitted for comparison, with measurement results, obtained by means of RMs, certified values of which are established with greater accuracy and which are higher in the hierarchy of metrological traceability or RMs of other countries, including those with established metrological traceability; c) to provide the capability of interchanging RMs to be compared, when they are used, as intended; d) to assess measurement capabilities of RM producers, whose RMs are submitted for comparison; e) to implement GOST ISO Guide 34, ISO 17034 by RM producers when it is impossible to establish metrological traceability of their RMs for demonstration of conformity of quality management system to the requirements of GOST ISO Guide 34, ISO 17034. Design of experiment includes careful choice of comparison objects: RMs, measurement procedures (methods), suitable for comparisons, laboratories for conducting measurements in the framework of comparisons. Processing of measurement results includes: (for paired comparison): calculation of the reference value of RM paired comparison, calculation of the relative degree of equivalence of RM comparison, calculation of the paired difference of the relative degrees of equivalence of RM comparison and evaluation of obtained results; (for multiple comparison): establishment of mutually consistent certified values of RMs to be compared, calculation of the relative degree of equivalence of reference materials, calculation of standard and expanded uncertainties of the relative degree of RMs to be compared, comparison of the relative degree of equivalence and the expanded uncertainty of the relative degree of equivalence of reference materials. The article also outlines the approach for evaluating the degree of equivalence of comparison participants, which submitted several reference materials for comparison.
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