Prostorski vzorec vključevanja slovenskih kmetijskih gospodarstev v ekološko kmetovanje // Spatial pattern of the integration of farm holdings in Slovenia into organic farming

Studija preverja obstoj ucinkov prostorskih prelitij v povezavi z odlocanjem kmetijskih gospodarstev v Sloveniji za ekolosko pridelavo. V njej preverjamo hipotezo, da na prehod v ekolosko pridelavo na nekem obmocju vpliva razsirjenost ekoloskega kmetijstva v sosescini. Hipotezo smo preverili z uporabo prostorske ekonometrije, kjer z regresijskimi metodami preverjamo vpliv prenosa informacij iz sosedstva oziroma ucinkov prostorskih prelitij. Rezultati prostorskega regresijskega modela, v katerega je bilo vkljucenih 1976 ekoloskih kmetij na 28.088 hektarjev kmetijskih zemljisc potrjujejo, da na odlocanje kmetijskih gospodarstev o (pre)usmeritvi v ekolosko pridelavo vplivajo tudi odlocitve pridelovalcev v sosescini in obratno. The study examines the existence of spatial spillovers in the decision-making process of the conversion of agricultural holdings in Slovenia to organic farming. We tested the hypothesis that the transition to organic agriculture at certain location is influenced by the patterns of the implementation of organic farming in the neighborhood. The hypothesis was verified by the use of spatial econometrics, which is a regression-based method that checks for the influence of the transmission of information from the neighborhood, or the existence of spatial spillovers. The results of the spatial regression model, which included 1,976 organic farms on 28,088 hectares of agricultural land, confirm that the decision of agricultural holdings to engage in organic production is influenced by the decisions of the neighboring agricultural holdings, and vice versa.
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