Eyestrain impacts on learning job interview with a serious game in virtual reality: a randomized double-blinded study

Purpose: This study explores eyestrain and its possible impacts on learning performances and quality of experience using different apparatuses and imaging. Materials and Methods: 69 participants played a serious game simulating a job interview with a Samsung Gear VR Head Mounted Display (HMD) or a computer screen. The study was conducted according to a double-blinded protocol. Participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups: PC, HMD biocular and HMD stereoscopy (S3D). Participants played the game twice, allowing between group analyses. Eyestrain was assessed pre- and post-exposure on a chin-head rest with optometric measures. Learning traces were obtained in-game by registering response time and scores. Quality of experience was measured with questionnaires assessing Presence, Flow and Visual Comfort. Results: eyestrain was significantly higher with HMDs than PC based on Punctum Proximum of accommodation and visual acuity variables and tends to be higher with S3D. Learning was more efficient in HMDs conditions based on time for answering but the group with stereoscopy performed lower than the binocular imaging one. Quality of Experience was better based on visual discomfort with the PC condition than with HMDs. Conclusion: learning expected answers from a job interview is more efficient while using HMDs than a computer screen. However, eyestrain tends to be higher while using HMDs and S3D. The quality of experience was also negatively impacted with HMDs compared to computer screen. Not using S3D or lowering its impact should be explored to provide comfortable learning experience. 1
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