Fodder potential for goats of twenty woody species in Trujillo state, Venezuela.

Using the main components (ACP) and automatic classification (ACA) analysis, the variations of the fodder potential of twenty species in Trujillo state, Venezuela, according to the propagation method (stake and botanical seed) were studied. The production of edible biomass, the relative acceptability by goats and the chemical composition were evaluated. Independently of the propagation form, a high variability for the first three components were detected (64.3-72.8%). The fibre neuter detergent, ash, and phenolic fraction showed the biggest fluctuations among the species. The edible biomass production, proteic and terpenoids levels and preferences showed low inter-specific variations. The species with better integral results were Morus alba , Chlorophora tinctoria , Cordia alba , Pentaclethra macroloba, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis , Wedelia aff. caracasana , Gliricidia sepium , and Guazuma ulmifolia . However, by the fodder potential index, Pithecellobium pedicellare and Bauhinia cumanensis were identified as promissory. Trichantera gigantea , Tithonia diversifolia , Capparis odoratissima , Moringa oleifera , and Leucaena leucocephala exhibited an intermediate potential. However, the biomass of Acacia spp., Azadirachta indica , Bulnesia arborea , Cassia alata , and Samanea saman presented little use feasibility as forage. The production of edible biomass and the acceptability constituted the most relevant variables to estimate the fodder potential. In the evaluated species the goat acceptability related with the fibre (P<0.05) and terpenoids (P<0.01) levels. No relationship among acceptability and phenolic compounds level were observed.
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