Gestação e atividade física: manutenção do programa de exercícios durante a gravidez Pregnancy and physical activity: maintenance program of exercises during pregnancy

The awareness of the importance of exercises practi ce to ensure good physical and mental conditions have increased the number of practicing of physical activity in all ages and populations. T he exercises activities have been demanded by women for disease prevention, for a guarantee of longevity and for improve the quality of life. The benefits o f physical activity are only meaningful when is pra cticed on a regular and continuous way along all the life. Therefore, it is common to find women who are pregnant or planning to be pregnant who wish to con tinue with exercises activities during this period. However, there are still many doubts about the bene fits and risks of physical exercises during pregnan cy. The objective of this work is to answer some of the se issues through a scientific survey of the physiological aspects of pregnancy and the modifica tion that pregnant women presents to physical exercise. In addition, this paper provides guidance to the pregnant women showing the benefits of exer cise on this phase for her and for the baby, and also sh owing the points of care for a safe physical activi ty.
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