The Relationship between Religious Attitudes and Motivation of Students' Progress Through the Role of Self-Efficacy

Objectives: The present article aims at investigating the  effect of religious attitudes on achievement motivation do with mediating role of self-efficacy.  Method: The method of the study is Correlation. In this study, a sample of 201 students from the University of Al-Zahra were selected by available sampling. Then the participants were asked to Complete the standardized  scales,  (Khodayarifard religious gauge attitudes) , self-efficacy,s Schere and achievement motivation's Herman's. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the model is a good fit and the impact of religious attitudes on self-efficacy and self-efficacy on achievement motivation is a significant, also the impact of religious attitudes on achievement motivation is significant through self-efficacy. Conclusion:  The authors of the survey concludethat self-efficacy is a appropriate mediator between religious attitudes and achievement motivation education. This means that any increase in self-efficacy from due to religious beliefs,  will result in motivation achievemen increase.
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