Mobile apparatus for detecting a text area on an identification document

The invention relates to a mobile device (100) for detecting a text area on an identification document, wherein the text portion comprises a plurality of text characters in a predetermined arrangement in accordance with a predetermined Anordnungsmas, with a camera (101), which is adapted to capture an image of the identification document to obtain a document image, and a processor (103), which is designed for segmenting the document image to obtain a plurality of image segments to select a plurality of character image segments from the plurality of image segments, where each text character image segments representing a text character, to determine a plurality of character groups based on the plurality of character image segments, where in each case the text characters groups include a sequence of text characters image segments, and a plurality of array dimensions of the plurality of character groups, with the predetermined Anordnungsmas to ve rgleichen to capture the text area on the identification document.
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