Etiologiska subtyper och riskfaktorprofil vid ischemisk stroke före 70 års ålder: Resultat från the Salgrenska Academy Study on Ischemic Stroke

Etiolgiska subtyper av ischemisk stroke bland patienter som insjuknat fore 70 ars alder studerades i en stor fall kontrollstudie, the Sahlgrenska Academy Study on Ischemic Stroke (SAHLSIS). Kryptogen stroke (d.v.s. bakomliggande orsak kan ej pavisas trots extensiv utredning) visade sig vara den vanligaste etiologiska subtypen (27%). Resultatet belyser behovet av okad kunskap om de sjukdomsmekanismer som leder till stroke bland yngre. Riskfaktorprofil for de olika subtyperna studeras nu. Traditionella och ”nya” vaskulara riskfaktorer, samt genetik och livsstil analyseras. Hittills har resultaten visat skillnader mellan olika etiologiska subtyper, bade vad galler riskfaktorprofil och prognos. Fynden understryker behovet av att ta hansyn till den etiologiska subtypen vid studier av ischemisk stroke bland yngre. Okad kunskap om riskfaktorprofiler kan i framtiden ge forutsattningar for mer individualiserade terapier. Etiological subtypes and risk factor profiles in ischemic stroke before 70 years of age were investigated in large case-control study, the Sahlgrenska Academy Study on Ischemic Stroke (SAHLSIS). Cryptogenic stroke (i.e. no aetiology could be identified despite an extensive evaluation) was the most common etiological subtype (27%) in the study-population, which highlights the need of increased knowledge about the mechanisms that lead to ischemic stroke in the young. Risk factor analysis includes traditional and novel vascular risk factors as well as genetic and lifestyle factors. Differences between etiological subtypes were found both with respect to risk factor profiles and outcome. These findings underline that etiological subtypes should taken into consideration in stroke research. Increased knowledge about risk factor profiles may in the future lead to more patient-tailored therapies. Keywords: ischemic stroke, etiological subtypes, risk factors
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