Theoretical analysis of Hall factor and hole mobility in p-type 4H-SiC considering anisotropic valence band structure

The temperature dependencies of hole density and hole mobility of p-type 4H-SiC obtained by Hall effect measurement were theoretically analyzed taking account of its anisotropic valence band structure. The experimental Hall factor, which was derived from the ratio of theoretical hole density to experimental Hall hole density, was reproduced by theoretical Hall factor computed using the valence band structure and relaxation times of scattering mechanisms. The product of the theoretical Hall factor and drift mobility computed by the same transport model agreed well with the experimental Hall mobility. Based on analyses of the results, it was revealed that the temperature dependence of Hall factor can be explained by considering the anisotropic valence band structure along with consideration of anisotropic relaxation times. The contribution of each scattering mechanism was also discussed, and empirical formulas for Hall and drift mobilities are presented.
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