New directions in mesoscopic physics (towards nanoscience)

Lectures. Field theories in physics of disordered conductors D.E. Khmelnitskii. Non-Fermi-liquid metals in low dimensions C. Di Castro, S. Capara. Counting statistics of mesoscopic noise L.S. Levitov. Coulomb blockade and Kondo effect in quantum dots L.I. Glazman, M. Pustinik. Quantum coherent transport: from mesoscopic circuits to molecular wires H. Bouchiat, R. Deblock, M. Ferrier, S. Gueron, A. Kasumov, M. Kociak, B. Reulet. Phase measurements in quantum dots A. Silva, M. Heiblum. Superconducting quantum bit based on the Cooper pair box D. Vion, A. Aassime, A. Cottet, P. Joyez, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, D. Esteve, M. Devoret. Dissipation in Josephson qubits Yu. Makhlin, G. Schon, A. Shnirman. Entanglement and decoherence studies in cavity QED experiments J.-M. Raimond. Seminars. Quantum electromechanical systems K. Schwab. Possible weak temperature dependence of electron dephasing V.V. Afonin, J. Bergli, Y.M. Galperin, V.L. Gurevich, V.I. Gozub. Momentum-resolved tunneling: spectroscopic tool and basis for device applications M. Governdale, U. Zulicke. Edge states and quantum Hall effects in d+id' superconductors B. Horovitz, A. Golub. Universal scaling flow diagram for magnetoconductance S.S. Murzin, M. Weiss, A.G.M. Jansen. Fluctuations of the anisotropy energy in nanoscale ferromagnetic particles S. Kleff, J. von Delft. Full counting statistics in multi-terminal normal metal tunnel junction structures J. Borlin, W. Belzig, C. Bruder. Resonant Cooper-pair tunneling: counting statistics and frequency-dependent current noise A.A. Clerk. Influence of thermal fluctuations on an underdamped Josephson tunnel junction I.S. Beloborodov, F.W.J. Hekking, F.Pistolesi. Quantum computing with many superconducting qubits J.Q. You, J.S. Tsai, F. Nori. Few-electron liquid and solid phases in artificial molecules at high magnetic field M. Rontani, G. Goldoni, E. Molinari. Phase coherence and spin dynamics M.Y. Veillette.
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