KASINICS: Near Infrared Camera System for the BOAO 1.8 m Telescope

We developed Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute (KASI) Near Infrared Camera System (KASINICS) to be installed on the 1.8 m telescope of Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) in Korea. We use a 512 � 512 InSb array (Aladdin III Quadrant, Raytheon Co.) to enable L band observations as well as J , H ,a nd Ks bands. The field-of-view of the array is 3: 0 3 � 3: 3 with a resolution of 0: 00 39=pixel. We adopt an Offner relay optical system, which provides a cold stop to eliminate thermal background emission from the telescope structures. Most parts of the camera, including the mirrors, were manufactured from the same ingot of aluminum alloy to ensure a homologous contraction from room temperature to 80 K. We also developed a readout electronics system for the array detector. Based on preliminary results from test observations, the limiting magnitudes are J = 17.6, H = 17.5, Ks = 16.1, and L(narrow) = 10.0 mag at a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 for an integration time of 100 s.
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