An investigation of the optical density of composite resin using digital radiography Avaliação da densidade óptica de resinas compostas por meio de radiografia digital

The aim of this study was to verify the radiopacity of four microhibridas composed resin: Filmagic – Vigodent, Herculite – Kerr, TPH – Dentsply, W3D – Wilcos in the color A3 and compares them with the dental enamel using direct digital radiography system. Acrylic Plates of 20mm for 30mm had been used, in the thickness 1mm, 2mm and 3mm, contend four cavities which had been filled with resins composed, it was used three human teeth in the same thickness, 36 samples was confected. The specimens were stored at 37 ± 1oC and immersed in distillate water. The specimens and the human tooth had been radiographed with the Dentsply – Gendex 765DC® from a distance of 40cm and to capture the images, a charge-coupled-device system for digital radiography (Visualix® Dentsply-Gendex) and a software DIGORA® for Windows®. The results submitted to statistical analy
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