Cisto sseo aneurismtico vertebral: estudo de trs casos

RESUMO - O cisto osseo aneurismatico e lesao hipervascularizada, benigna, localmente destrutiva pelo seuc rescimento pro g ressivo, de incidencia maior na segunda decada de vida. Acomete pre f e rencialmente ossoslongos e vertebras. Sua sintomatologiavaria desde dor e edema locais, ate presenca de sintomas neuro l o g i c o squando de sua localizacao vertebral. Relatamos tres casos de cisto osseo aneurismatico vertebral acometendocriancas, todas com alteracoes neurologicas. Os diagnosticos foram firmados atraves de tomografia com-putadorizada e/ou ressonância magnetica, sendo os pacientes submetidos a ciru rgia para resseccao do tu-m o r. Em um dos casos foi realizada a embolizacao arterial seletiva pre-operatoria da lesao. Os tres pacientesevoluiram satisfatoriamente, com melhora do quadro neurologico, demonstrando a eficacia da tecnica mi-c ro c i r u rgica para resseccao de tumor raquimedular. Discutimos a evolucao dos casos e os tratamentos exis-tentes na atualidade.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: tumor osseo, cisto osseo aneurismatico, embolizacao arterial, cirurgia raquimedular.Vertebral aneurysmatic bone cyst: study of three casesABSTRACT - Aneurysmatic bone cyst is a hypervascularized, benign lesion locally destructive by its pro g re s s i v eg rowth with greater incidence in the second decade of life. It lodges preferably in the long bones and ver-tebras. The clinical picture varies from pain to local edema and even neurological symptoms when in ver-tebral location. Three cases of vertebral aneurysmatic bone cyst occurring in childhood and all with neuro l o g i cdeficitsymptoms are described. Computerized tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging confirm e dthe diagnosis. Patients underwent surg e ry to remove the tumor. In one of the cases, pre-operative selectivea rterial embolization of the lesion was perf o rmed. The three patients pro g ressed satisfactorily with neuro-logical improvement, which demonstrated the efficiency of the microsurgical technique for the resectionof the spinal tumor. The evolution of the cases and the current treatment are discussed.KEY WORDS: bone tumor, aneurysmatic bone cyst, arterial embolization, spinal surgery.
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