Exploring the Landscape of Research Practices at the Bloomberg School of Public Health Faculty, Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins Welch medical library was one of seven libraries participating in a project coordinated by Ithaka S+R. The aim of the project was an in depth, qualitative exploration of the research areas, information needs, and challenges related to information use by public health researchers in our institution. In our local site several themes emerged from our interviews related to collaboration, data, and software use. This report will expand on these themes while highlighting challenges that librarians can tackle to support public health researchers. Report Highlights: • Public Health researchers at out institution revealed that the complexity of their work, which often means working closely with researchers in other but closely aligned fields, often involves multi-institutional and multidisciplinary teams. • These collaborative teams provide the assembled expertise needed conduct research in a field that requires extensive knowledge and experience with multiple research methodologies, often for the same project. • Access to information from a wide variety of sources, such as journal literature, datasets, and unpublished documents is essential to these researchers. • Accessing, storing, and analyzing the data their research both requires and produces consumes much of public health researchers' time and attention.
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