Development of an Rev-Independent, Minimal Simian Immunodeficiency Virus-Derived Vector System

Lentiviral vectors are attractive candidates for gene therapy because of their ability to integrate into nondividing cells. To date, conventional HIV-1-based vectors can be produced at higher titers, but concerns regarding their safety for human use exist because of the possibility of recombination leading to production of infectious virions with pathogenic potential. Development of lentivirus vectors based on nonhuman lentiviruses constitutes an active area of research. We described a novel HIV-SIV hybrid vector system in which an HIV-1-derived transfer vector is encapsidated by SIVmac1A11 core particles and pseudotyped with VSV glycoprotein G. In an effort to further develop this vector system, we modified the packaging plasmid by deletion of the SIV accessory genes. Specifically, versions of the packaging plasmid (SIVpack) lacking vif, vpr, vpx, and/or nef were constructed. Our results indicate that, as with HIV-1-based packaging plasmids, deletion of accessory genes has no significant effect on transd...
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