Content Management Systems hacking probabilities for Admin Access with Google Dorking and database code injection for web content security

CMS provides a user-friendly environment for the person who has not even more technical web development skills .digital content creation, modification, and publish content facility provides for website management and preparation by the content management system. There are many tools open-source and commercial Available that are categorized in CMS like WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Joomla. Most of the web developers use these cms applications for their attractive features, and this popularity attracts illegal, unauthorized activity by hackers. CMS provides the facility to upload web themes and plugins, and these freely available applications have a lot of vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities highlight the importance for developers to practice security by design and for administrators to adopt security hygiene to reduce their website's attack surface. Regularly update of the content management system on the basis of previously found vulnerabilities and analysis scan plugin database store. Disable and delete outdated old vulnerable plugins and themes.
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