Kullanıcıların duyusal beklentilerine dayalı peyzaj tasarımı

Kalite, kullanicilarin cok boyutlu beklenti ve ihtiyaclarini karsilamak olarak kabul edildiginde, kullanici ihtiyac ve beklentilerinin anlasilmasi buyuk onem tasimaktadir. Peyzaj tasariminda, tasarim surecinden uygulama surecine kadar kaliteli bir urunun ortaya cikarilabilmesi icin daha cok tasarimcinin bilgi ve deneyimlerine guvenilmekte, kullanici beklentileri ise genellikle fiziksel ihtiyaclar olarak tasarima yansimakta, kullanicinin duygusal beklentileri ise goz onunde bulundurulmamaktadir. Bu doktora tez calismasi ile kullanicilarin duygusal beklentilerinin belirlenerek peyzaj tasarim surecine somut elemanlar olarak aktarilabileceginin, bu sayede kullanicilarin duygusal beklentilerini karsilayabilen kaliteli cevreler olusturulabileceginin gosterilmesi amaclanmistir. Bu dogrultuda Kansei muhendisligi (duygu muhendisligi) yontemi kullanilarak konut peyzajlarinin onemli elemanlarindan olan sus havuzlari, duygusal iyi olus kapsaminda ele alinmis ve kullanicilarda uyandirdigi hisler belirlenerek bu hisler tasarim elemanlarina donusturulmustur. Boylece kullanici odakli bir tasarim yontemi olan Kansei muhendisligi kullanilarak peyzaj tasarimi surecinde kullanicilarin duygusal beklentilerinin belirlenebilecegi ve bunlarin somut tasarim elemanlarina donusturulebilecegi sonucuna ulasilmistir.AbstractUnderstanding user’s needs and expectations is essential if quality is accepted as meeting multi-dimentional needs and expectations of user. During the landscape design process from concept to implementation, designer’s experience and knowledge are taken as fundamentals for a quality creation but user’s expectations are only reflected in the design as physical needs and his emotional expectations are not considered. This dissertation aims to reveal user’s emotional expectations and to convert them into tangible design elements and thus to prove that quality environments, which meet user’s expectations, can be designed. In this context, ornamental pools, which are important elements of the residential landscape, were handled in the context of emotional well-being and the feelings aroused in the user were identified and converted into design elements with the methodology of Kansei engineering (emotional engineering). Thus, result of this research showed that in the landscape design process user’s emotional expectations can be identified and converted into tangible design elements by using Kansei engineering, which is a user-centered methodology.
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