The Ørestad Traffic Passenger Demand Model, version 5.0

Vuk and Hansen ("Validating the passenger traffic model for Copenhagen", Transportation, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 371-392. 2006) have validated the present version of the Orestad traffic model (version 4.0 from summer 2000) and concluded that a major drawback of the model is outdated base 1992 matrices. With respect to planning of the alignment of the Metro’s phase 4, the so called Metro City Ring, a group of clients headed by the Ministry of Energy and Transport wished to upgrade OTM 4.0 to a new version, ver. 5.0, where a number of improvements were proposed. Most importantly the OTM 5.0 includes new base 2004 matrices. The main aim of the paper is to provide a description of the new base matrices as well as changes in the model estimations.
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