Exploring the Effects of Tomato Extract Supplementation on Cognitive Function during Exercise and at Rest

It has been reported that tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit extracts may have beneficial effects on cognition. To assess if those effects are reproducible, cognitive function was assessed using a double-blind, randomised control trial design; 17 healthy test participants were given encapsulated tomato fruit (n=8) extract (290 mg) or a placebo control (n=9). Cognition was assessed at rest and, as exercise is known to negatively impact on cognitive function, equivalent tests were also undertaken after controlled physical exertion using the Bath University Rugby Shuttle Test (45 minutes and 90 minutes exercise). After normalisation of raw data to remove performance related error, the tomato fruit extract improved (P<0.05) normalised detection scores and detection times after 90 minutes exercise. These positive effects were specific to psychomotor function, relating to both ability and speed of response; compared to placebo controls, the supplemented group recorded scores 6.5% (P=0.02) and speeds ~17% (P=0.03) better when compared to the placebo group. A repeated measures linear mixed model (LMM) was undertaken and again significance reported (P<0.05) for overall effects of treatment (detection speeds and scores) and additionally for the identification speed. A suggestion (P<0.1) of treatment effects was observed for identification scores. LMM analysis therefore also identifies positive benefits for reaction times and visual attention after supplementation. No effect on one-card-learning (visual learning) scores or speeds was detected; also there is no evidence of any learning effect on the data. Collectively this data shows certain tomato fruit extracts have a trait specific beneficial effect on cognition.
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