Immune response of molluscs Onchidium struma to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF, 50 Hz) exposure based on immune-related enzyme activity and De novo transcriptome analysis

Abstract Along with rapid offshore and onshore wind power development in modern society, extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) is produced extensively in the habits of aquatic organisms. However, the biological effects of ELF-EMF on aquatic organisms are almost sparse. In this study, Onchidium struma without shell was chosen to aim whether ELF-EMF can elicit immune response of mollusk based on immune-related enzyme activities and gene expression through high-throughput transcriptome sequencing. Three experimental groups, i.e. ELF-EMF unexposed control group (C), ELF-EMF (50 Hz, 100 μT) exposed E1 group, and ELF-EMF (50 Hz, 500 μT) exposed E2 group, were set, and coelomocytes were collected to analyze. The results showed that total coelomocyte and spherulocyte density in E1 group increased significantly compared to groups C and E2 (P
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