The Irish mobile telecommunications market.

This topic was chosen as a research study because since the launch of Meteor- Ireland's third mobile operator, there has been a lot of controversy concerning its overall impact on the Irish telecommunications market and ultimately its success or failure. Telephone evolution has come a long way from the telegraph in 1850 especially in the last decade, since we have witnessed a telecommunications revolution. The phenomenon of the mobile phone has hit Ireland by storm in the last few years. Who would have believed five years ago that most of the Irish people including children as young as ten years old, would have a mobile phone in 2002? Who would have believed that the mobile phone would be the size of a cigarette box or be so technologically advanced that you could access the Internet through your mobile phone? The study investigates the present state of the telecommunications industry in Ireland. The examination aims to determine if the Irish market can sustain a third mobile phone operator, or if the market is saturated. In order to reach a conclusion a review of the three existing mobile phone companies, Meteor, Vodafone and Digifone will be undertaken. The health issues regarding mobile phones will, in turn, be addressed.
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