LET-Attack: Latent Encodings of Normal-Data Manifold Transferring to Adversarial Examples

Recent studies have highlighted the vulnerability and low robustness of deep learning model against adversarial examples. This issue limits their deployability on ubiquitous applications requiring a high level of security such as driverless system, unmanned aerial vehicle and intrusion detection. In this paper, we propose latent encodings transferring attack (LET-attack) to generate target natural adversarial examples to fool well-trained classifiers. In order to perturb in latent space, we train WGAN-variants on various datasets to achieve feature extraction, image reconstruction and image discrimination against counterfeit with good performance. Thanks to our two-stage procedure of mapping transformation, the adversary performs precise and semantic perturbations on source data referring to target data in latent space. By using the critic in WGAN-variant and the well-trained classifier, the adversary crafts more verisimilar and effective adversarial examples. As shown in the experimental results on MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR-10 and LSUN, LET-attack can yield a distinct set of adversarial examples with partly data manifold targeted transfer and attains similar attack performance against state-of-the-art models in different attack scenarios. What is more, we evaluate LET-attack on the characteristic of transferability in different classifiers on MNIST and CIFAR-10 respectively, and find that the adversarial examples are easy to transfer with high confidence.
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