Formula Kahiguru High Protein for Making of Food Supplement as Elimination Stunting

In general, the objective of the study was to create a high protein "kahiguru" formula consisting of a mixture of green beans (Vigna radiata) flour, gude nuts (Cajanus cajan) flour and lemuru fish (Sardinella L.) flour. The preparation of kahiguru formula and supplementary feeding products (PMT) was made using a randomized block design. The nutrient content of kahiguru formula is the lowest protein content in formula A (25,2054%) and highest formula F (52,3365%); the lowest fat content in Formula A (3.6901%) and highest formula F (6.8923%). The highest amino acid arginine content in the formula F (3.033%), histidine in the formula D (4.744%), Isoleucine in the formula E (2.606%), Leucine in the formula F (2.920%), lysine in the formula B (12.765%), methionine in the formula D (3.828%), phenylalanine in the formula F (1.822%), threonine in the formula F (3.526%) and valine in the formula F (1.909%). Based on the amino acid content kahiguru formula can be made variations of PMT are preferred child under five years, such as cake, cookies, or brownies. The conclusion is 1) "kahiguru" formula containing high protein as the base material of PMT is a combination of green bean flour, gude bean flour and lemuru fish flour, 2) nutrient content of best kahiguru formula is formula "F" (20-20 -60) containing 52.3 grams of protein and 6.9 grams of fat,    3) high kahiguru formula containing amino acid hystidine (4.74%) is the formula "D"; methionine (3.82%) and isoleucine (2.60%) is the formula "E"; threonine (3.52%), arginine (3.03%), valine (1.90%), phenylalanine (1.82%), and leucine (2.92%) were the formula "F".
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