Dramatis Personae of a Policy Initiative in Turkey: Actors on the Stage

Policy formation process can be identified as a drama performed on a stage that is shaped and formed by the interactions of numerous determinants such as setting, scenery, scenario and actors. The principal actors in this drama who are involved in the policy making are crucial to understand the process. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate those key actors and their relative influence on the formulation process of educational policies in Turkey through the perceptions of key actors in policy making process and other interest groups in education. A qualitative case study design was employed which analyzed the policy initiative “Career Ladders for Teachers” (CLT) [Ogretmenlik Kariyer Basamaklari]. This study focused specifically on the agenda setting and policy formation phases of the policy cycle of CLT. Two main sources of data were utilized in the study: interviews with key actors in policy making process and documents and text produced throughout or after the process. Data analysis revealed that number and the variety of policy actors involved in the design process were limited. The whole process was controlled by only the governmental actors; MoNE units and Ministry of Finance and political and bureaucratic elites from these institutions. Furthermore almost none of the stakeholders, teachers, administrators, NGOs, were included.
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