Применение различных каротиноидных препаратов в комбикормах при выращивании посадочного материала для ремонтно-маточного стада осетровых рыб

The utilization of the preparation Complex KR (preparation Cl natural yellow 26), an extract of natural carotinoids linproduetive comb food OT-7 in the amount of 32 mg of β-carotine for 1 kg of the comb food in the process of planting. The hignest speed of growing was noticed with a law food expenetuein repairing group of the sturgeons leads to improvement of all fish-planting biological and physiological-biochemical indexes. The maintance of proteine in the body of Russian sturgeon youth was approximately 71,4-74,6 %. The most comentration of hemoglobine was set in the variant, when Comlex KR was used. Held experience shoed that absence of carotinoid preparations in comb food of sturgeon fish youth the growth and lows the life hampers. Possibility, which leads to increase of expenditure of the comb food.
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