Intrarenal distribution of organic osmolytes in human kidney.

The distribution pattern of renal organic osmolytes in surgically explanted human kidneys was investigated and compared with that of untreated Sprague-Dawley rats (U osmo = 1186 mosmol/kg H 2 O). Sorbitol, myo-inositol, glycerophosphorylcholine and betaine were measured by liquid chromatography (HPLC) in homogenates of five different kidney zones from the cortex towards the papillary tip. All four organic osmolytes were detected as in human as in rat kidney. The expected increase from the inner medulla to the papillary tip for sorbitol and betaine, and from the outer medulla to the papilla for glycerophosphorylcholine, was observed in rats, but not in explanted human kidney. An inverse distribution pattern was observed with decreasing tissue contents from the inner and outer medulla to the papillary tip for all organic osmolytes and urea. This intrarenal osmolyte profile is in accordance with that observed during water and lithium diuresis in rats. Therefore it can be assumed that a loss of renal medullary osmolytes during the intra-operative treatment of patients led to the observed osmolyte pattern. We conclude that organic osmolytes are involved in renal medullary osmoadaptation of humans.
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