Study Of The Fluxset Magnetic Probe Speed–Sensitivity Developed For Detection Of Magnetic Nanoparticles In Surgery

Markers for imaging are vital parts of surgical processes. S ince radioactive compound pose considerable risk to both the recipient and the surgical staff, alternative marking te chniques are of interest. In NANOMAGDYE project, magneto- optically active nano-particles were created for this reas on. The detection of the magnetic interaction of low mass nan o- particles in surgical environment is very challenging; so f ar only quasi-stationary measurements were taken. This pap er shows a measurement setup for measurements with continuous ly moving probe at lower velocities (5–10 mm/s) and at hand movement velocity (20–30 cm/s). It was found that at the velo city of hand movement there is only probe response amplitude reduction of at most 10–15 % of the original amplitude. These results indicate that the probe used for the detection of the nano-particles is sufficient to be used in practical purposes in surgery.
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