Protein and amino acid metabolism in the digestive tract of growing bulls. 6. Apparent digestibility of the amino acids entering the duodenum and of amino acid from feed

: After studies with young bulls provided with duodenal cannulas the apparent digestibility (AD) of the individual amino acids getting into the duodenum (AAD) was ascertained on the basis of 28 different rations. The AD of the AAD is defined as follows: AAD--AAfaeces/AAD X 100. The results thus obtained show a relative constancy, only insignificantly impaired by the consideration of the dependence of the AD of the AAD on the AA concentration in the ration. The average value for the AD of the sigma AAD was 72.5 +/- 4.9%. The dependence of the AD of the sigma AAD on the sigma AA concentration in the ration is: y = 67.8 + 0.51x +/- 4.6; r = 0.355x. In addition, the relation between AD AAD and AD AAfeed protein' each in % of AA intake and AA concentration in the ration, was studied and reported on.
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