Orta Anadolu Koflullarinda Farkli Toprak ‹flleme, Nadas-Buday ve Mercimek- Buday Ekim Nöbeti Sistemlerinde Toprakta Mikrobiyolojik Aktivite, Organik Madde ve Azot Formlarinin Saptanmasi

According to experimental results of two crop rotation cycles higher soil microbiological activities (i.e.β-Glucosidase and dehydrogenase activity) were obtained from soil samples of winter lentil plots in comparision to fallow plots. Highest activities of both parameters were found in the upper soil layer of 0-20 cm depth. The observed differences between lentil and fallow disap- peared during the following cropping season. Similar tendencies were also obtained for organic matter, total nitrogen and total porosity volume in the soil. It could be observed that soil fertility improved with regard to these parameters after lentil. Thus, a legume crop (e.g. winter lentil) should be inserted into tradional rotations for sustainable productivity in areas where fallow can be replaced under Central Anatolian dryfarming con- ditions.
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