Tinjauan Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan

Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction. The quality is closely related to customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can be achieved when customers receive the service in accordance with the required and expected. So the expected service quality that has been given influence for increasing customer satisfaction. To know Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction writer uses observation, survey as questionaire approach and interview, and study documentation method. Based on result of Correlation test between Service Quality with Customer Satisfaction give the coefficient value is 0,691 can be concluded that the relationship between the Service Quality with Customer Satisfaction is the strong relationship. Based on the result of the coefficient determination test, the percentage contribution influence variables Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction is 47,7%, while the remaining 52,3% as the epsilon is influenced by other factors. Based on the result of regression equation test t count > t table ( 7,876 > 0,2352 ) and significance < 0,05 (0,000 <0,05), it can be concluded that the service quality influence on customer satisfaction. Keyword : Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction
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