Reference data source documentation for performance assessment studies, Basalt Waste Isolation Project, Hanford Site, Washington

The National Waste Terminal Storage (NWTS) Program was initiated by the United States in the mid-1970's to investigate the feasibility of storing nuclear waste in deep geologic formations. The Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) is one of the major research and development projects under the direction of the NWTS program. Rockwell Hanford Operations is presently responsible for investigating the feasibility of siting a repository or terminal disposal of nuclear waste in the basalts underlying the Hanford Site. Whether or not this site - or any site - is ultimately suitable for the purpose must be based on computer-generated predictions of long-term repository performance. Computer modeling requires the quantitative specification of a large number of parameters that characterize the properties of the three principal repository subsystems (Site, Repository Seals, and Waste Package). The acceptance of conclusions (drawn from predictive models) by the public, the scientific community at large, and the regulatory and review agencies depends in part on the existence of a well-documented performance assessment data base that they can scrutinize and review. The parameter values compiled here constitute a listing of pertinent data currently in use for performance assessment. A computerized data storage and retrieval system was set up tomore » handle the large amount of information collected to date and the projected future availability of additional information.« less
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