Totally laparoscopic juxtarenal aortic anastomosis: an experimental study.

Summary: The surgical management of juxtarenal aneurysms necessitates suprarenal aortic clamping and control of the renal arteries. We attempted to reproduce this procedure laparoscopically. Five female piglets were submitted to a totally laparoscopic approach of the aortoiliac segment. After laparoscopic control of the renal arteries and suprarenal clamping, a 6-mm Dacron tube graft was anastomosed to the juxtarenal aorta. After the procedure, a midline laparotomy allowed verification of the patency of the renal arteries and the quality of the anastomosis. Mean operative time was 198 minutes (range, 170–240 minutes). The dissection took an average of 92 minutes (range, 75–110 minutes). The mean suprarenal aortic cross-clamp time was 46.3 minutes (range, 29.1–81.5 minutes), and the mean anastomotic time was 28.9 minutes (range, 16.5–68.1 minutes). This study demonstrates in this animal model the feasibility of juxtarenal aortic anastomosis using a laparoscopic technique. Newly designed instruments should allow a shorter clamping time in the future.
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