Enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay for serum IgE: evaluation in four centres

SUMMARY We report an evaluation of a commercially available kit, the Biomerieux IgE-kit, for determination of total IgE in serum by the EIA double antibody sandwich method. Results by this procedure and PRIST (Pharmacia) show a degree of association (r) of0·98 and a regression equation of log y = 0·79 log PRIST+log 3·31. Correlation between the IgE kit and RIST shows a degree of association of 1·00 and a regression equation of log y = 1·01 log RlST-log 1·05. Between­ laboratory standard deviations are 3 %, 3 %, and 15%for IgE concentrations of, respectively, 83, 285, and 900 IVlml. Similarly, intra- and inter-assay correlations were performed on 60 lyophilised serum samples tested in the four centres. No protein interference was found except for cryoprecipi­ tates. The favourable correlation with existing procedures and the feasibility of this kit offer a new way of measuring IgE levels.
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