Impact of Different Agricultural and Structural Factors on Energy Efficiency of Potato Plantation in Province of Qazvin, Iran (Case Study)

Northern Qazvin (Kouhin district) is the most important potato growing area in Iran. In this research, in addition to determine energy consumption for potato plantation, several agricultural factors such as farming systems, size of arable lands and also structural factors known as land ownership and machine ownership on energy efficiency were investigated. Method of collecting necessary information via questionnaires; the forms were distributed among potato farmers in the selected region. The results showed that the highest energy consumption in potato production is related to the chemical energy with an average of 51 percent (fertilizers, especially nitrogen source) and the least energy consumption is related to biological energy with the average of 2 percent (via labor). It was also showed that the effects of different levels of plantation (land size) are significant for potato on the energy efficiency (ratio) in one percent, in such a way that increase in planted area for potatoes from one hectare up to three hectares, the average of efficiency (ratio) increased from 1.3 to 2.08. Based on obtained results it was shown that the effect of different farming systems is significant on the energy ratio one percent. Moreover, the tractor type and ownership had significant impact on percentage of fuel consumption per hectare. Promoting the farmers and providing required fields for cooperatives establishment to use machinery and equipment through the province Agricultural Organization and also replacing worn-out Tractors with the age of greater than 25 years may be effective in energy conservations and enhance energy performance and efficiency.
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