High-resolution spectroscopic analysis of a large sample of Li-rich giants found by LAMOST

The discovery of Li-rich giant has cast a new challenge for the standard stellar evolution models, and to resolve this issue, the number of this type object has been rapidly increased because of the development of worldwide surveys these days. Taking advantage of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope survey, 44 newly Li-rich giants are reported, which are confirmed with high-resolution observations. Based on the high-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra, we derived the atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances with the spectral synthesis method. We performed a detailed analysis of their evolutionary stages, infrared excess, projected rotational velocity (v sin i), and the stellar population. We find that (1) The Li-rich giants concentrate at the evolutionary status of the red giant branch bump, red clump, and asymptotic giant branch; (2) Three of them are fast rotators and none exhibit infrared excess. Our results imply that the origins of Li enrichment are most likely to be associated with the extra mixing in the stellar interior, and the external sources maybe only make a minor contribution. Moreover, various Li-rich episodes take place at different evolutionary stages.
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