An aggressive Basal Cell Carcinoma with multiple focuses and distant lung metastasis: case report

Abstract Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a malignant neoplasm derived from nonkeratinizing cells that originate from the basal layer of the epidermis and it is the most common type of skin cancer in humans . Giant BCC (i.e. greater than 5 cm in diameter) is quite rare and comprises 0.5 percent of all BCC. Despite the high incidence of BCC, metastasis of this tumor is rare, with rates ranging from 0.0028% to 0.55% of all BCC cases. In this case, the tumour reached a giant size and had a pulmonary metastasis., We aimed to emphasize that a lthough BCC’s are usually indolent; the importance of adequate surgery and chemoradiotherapy should always be considered in indicated cases . Keywords: Basal cell carcinoma, metastasis, giant size, adequate surgery Ozet Bazal hucreli karsinom (BHK) epidermisin bazal tabakasindan kaynaklanan ve nonkeratinize hucrelerden olusan en yaygin cilt tumorudur. Dev BHK (yani capi 5 cm’den buyuk) oldukca nadirdir ve tum BHK’larin %0 , 5’ ini olusturmaktadir. BHK insidansi yuksek olmasina ragmen, bu tumorun metastaz orani tum vakalarin %0 , 0028-%0 , 55 arasinda degismektedir. Bu vakada tumor dev boyuta ulasti ve akciger metastazi vardi. Burada, BHK’lar genellikle yavas seyirli olmasina ragmen gerekli vakalarda yeterli cerrahi ve kemoradyoterapinin onemini vurgulamak istedik. Anahtar sozcukler: Bazal hucreli karsinom, metastaz, dev cap, yeterli cerrahi
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